Map / Directions

How to get to Inverness:

Distance from Glasgow by road: 171 miles (275km).
Distance from Edinburgh 158 miles (253km).

Inverness is connected to London by the Caledonian Sleeper train, which departs six times a week and by the Highland Chieftain which runs 7 days a week.
Inverness Railway Station provides services south to Perth, Edinburgh, Glasgow and London, east to Aberdeen, north to Thurso and Wick and west to Kyle of Lochalsh.
Inverness Airport is located 8 miles (13 km) east of the city and has scheduled flights across the UK and Republic of Ireland including London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Belfast, Dublin and the islands to the north.

Note:  River Walk Apartment – access by car is from the river (Ness Walk)

Location of Apartments 401 and 405

Location of River Walk Apartment